The bee definitely stands out amongst the pollinators of the world – butterflies, hummingbirds, and bats. Their vital role in the ecosystem is highly taken for granted. A direct result of their labor is highlighted in every third bite of our food. The hard work of the bee is actually the key to our existence.
While providing food security, their pollination also globally supports the food economy with a value of $500 billion annually.
Too many humans aren’t concerned with the bee population rate. Since the late 1990’s, the bee population has declined. As of 2006, around 40% of honeybees have mysteriously disappeared.
Where Have all the Honeybees Gone?

Bees can ingest any pest management interventions from our gardens. Neonicotinoids are a class of neuro-active insecticides that are chemically similar to nicotine. Research has found that neomics have several negative influences on bee populations. Some places in Europe and some provinces in Canada have already banned the usage of neonics. Research shows that using insecticides containing neonics is the leading cause of the massive bee die-off.
Certain insecticides, pesticides, and herbicides affect the immune system of bees, making them more prone to mites and viruses. The sick honeybees spread diseases throughout the colony. The chemicals also damage their ability to navigate and reproduce. This disorientation can also alter their scent causing rejection from the colony.
Climate Changes
The inconsistent shift in temperature confuses bees during the changing seasons. They aren’t sure where they’re supposed to be or at what time. Their food sources are being missed and trees aren’t being pollinated.
Some species adjust to the weather changes, but not all can. Adding to the turmoil, certain trees have begun to blossom at different times than bee activity.
Varroa Mites
Mites called Varroa destructor are infesting colonies. The mites leave open wounds, spread viruses, and deform the babies.
Cellular Towers Conjecture
Bees use the Earth’s electromagnetism for navigation. The radiation that the cellular towers emit interfere with this field. The concern was that the increase in the atmospheric electromagnetic radiation has been influencing the way the bees navigate.
However, recent studies concluded that the claim of cellular towers being responsible for the decline of bees, do not sufficiently meet the scientific requirements to announce such a claim.
Biodiversity Complications
The loss of biodiversity due to commercial developments leave the bees without homes. Urban city structures are always being assembled resulting in habitat loss for the bees.
This also means a lack of diverse food sources. Limited forage spaces trigger a war between colonies, with the queens fighting till death. Our bees are suffering from poor nutrition and stressful environments.
Collective Humanity Support
It’s understood that many of us don’t possess philanthropist means or even a desire to build a bee sanctuary like the meritorious Morgan Freeman. Adding beekeeper to his curriculum vitae, this badass shining star simply provides a safe environment for 26 hives to live and pollinate, with no intention of harvesting honey for profit at his home.
But for the rest of us, the fact remains that the alarming rate of the disappearance of the bees should be a collective concern. Small, reasonable steps to help the bees thrive are available to us, without altering our lives:

- Eliminate harmful pest management practices
- Plant bee-friendly flowers
- Spread the word
- Learn beekeeping
- Alter beekeeping practices
- Build a bee hotel
- Make a bee bath
- Plant an herb garden
Harsh pesticides can kill off the beneficial insects necessary for a healthy ecosystem. Abundant microbes, fungi, and the soil is also the target for flourishing gardens so introducing effective pesticides to rid harmful critters without poisoning anything else is ideal.
Alternate solutions can be achieved through natural and homemade insecticides/pesticides. Essential oils have proved to be effective in keeping predatory insects away and some beekeepers are using essential oils for the treatment of mites.
Wind and water are the pollinators responsible for some flowering plants, but around 3/4 are reliant on insects. Help from any pollination source is useful, including the solitary bees. We could help by planting bee-friendly flowers or simply leaving flowering weeds like clovers, milkweed, and chickweed for food sources. Helping bees by planting chives, fennel, or oregano is a win-win situation. Those are just a few of herbs that bees are keen on and we could find a use for in our kitchens.
Ideas for do-it-yourself bee baths and bee hotels can be found all over the internet, especially Pinterest. I have a board committed to the greater benefit of the bee below. This link will show many ideas and how-tos for anyone interested in transforming their backyards, or simply a small portion of, into bee-friendly zones.
Law of Magnetism
Most of us are aware of the Law of Attraction and how using a vision board can manifest our desires.
Creative visualization is also therapeutic, pleasurable stimuli reduces stress, and mirrors the spiritual health and wellness of meditation.
An alternative to the dry landscape garden of serene, calming activity is the Bee Still bottle. The bottle contains water and MICR (magnetic ink character recognition) toner. By using the magnet to move around the shards of toner we are able to see the magnetic field which is almost hypnotizing.
Taking the initiative to Be Still reflects the mental and psychological merits of a Zen Garden. The essence of the magnetic vial is serene and mesmerizing. A magnetic honey dipper attracts magnetic ink mimicking attracting the bees back to healthy environments.
Pollinators, Mount Up!
Pollination is the highest contributor, outweighing all other agricultural management practices. 87% of our food crops rely on pollinators world-wide. The risk isn’t strictly for the commercial honeybees, but the native bees as well.
We always say doing the best for our children is our number one priority. We can prove this statement by maintaining biodiversity and pitching in to help the bees.
Victoria 🐝

Recently enchanted refers to kindred souls who discovered there’s something magical happening. Walk the mystical path of spiritual awakening and witchcraft through energy work, divination, and the old ways of magic.
Whether you’re just beginning to awaken or have walked this path for lifetimes, I invite you to explore, learn, and weave your magic.
May you find inspiration, empowerment, and a little bit of enchantment in these words.