Psychological abuse is becoming ever more pervasive. People silently suffer because of a bully, a group of friends, and even entire family dynamics. What’s more, many are unaware that they are purposely being harmed. On the other hand, some don’t have the courage to dispute harm. Accordingly, let’s weigh up some different types of emotional manipulation.
It should be noted that I am not an expert on this extremely complex curriculum. Although I have a solid understanding of what I write, this isn’t a professional interpretation of the subject matter.
In order for situations to change, the problems have to be acknowledged.

Abuse isn’t confined to physical injury. The following is a value-driven inspiration to advance change. As a lightworker, ascending spirit, and a repeated casualty, I strongly want to bring awareness to this issue.
We ping pong our traumas back and forth in deceptive relationships. Cycles only repeat this way, never heal.
Unhealthy Behavior
Prominent personality disorders are sometimes confused with mental disorders. An attention-seeking trait can cause significant stress and impact daily life.
People with attention-seeking personality disorders typically have low self-esteem. That’s why they crave validation from others. 2-3% of the population are diagnosed with a histrionic personality disorder. People with HPD are usually high-functioning with good social skills. Despite all this, they manipulate others into making them the center of attention.
The emotionally strong urge for attention makes them feel undervalued. Therefore, they illustrate inappropriate behavior. For example, these people will make bold blatant lies about events and other people.
Absolutely nothing damages human relations like lying does. Pertaining to lying, gaslighting is a harmful form.
Types of Psychological & Emotional Manipulation
Widely known forms of psychological abuse are gaslighting and manipulation. The abuser invalidates the victim’s experiences with dismissive language: “You’re crazy. Don’t be so sensitive. Don’t be paranoid. I was just joking! … I’m worried; I think you’re not well.”
Psychologists Jill Rogers and Diane Follingstad say such dismissals is detrimental on mental health.
They described psychological abuse as “a range of aversive behaviors that are intended to harm an individual through coercion, control, verbal abuse, monitoring, isolation, threatening, jealousy, humiliation, manipulation, treating one as an inferior, creating a hostile environment, wounding, withholding from a partner emotionally and/or physically“. – Wikipedia

Munchausen Syndrome By Proxy is a mental health problem in which a caregiver makes up or causes an illness or injury in a person. This form of abuse highlight’s the abuser to get recognition and praise for taking care of the victim.
MSBP usually involves a person under their care, such as a child, elderly adult, or the disabled. Because vulnerable people are the victims, MSBP is a form of child and elder abuse.
Perpetrators fulfill their need for positive attention by assuming the sick role onto their child, by proxy. These proxies then gain personal attention and support. Taking on this fictitious “hero role” they receive positive attention from others.
Maternal Gaslighting of Daughters is Receiving Particular Attention
“A severely narcissistic mother’s anger, criticism, and thoughtless dismissal of her daughter’s feelings are painful and destructive. And every daughter clings to the belief that if only her mother could see that behavior and its effects, she’d stop.” – therapist and author, Susan Forward.
In a section titled “Lying, Gaslighting, and Denial” in her best-seller Mothers Who Can’t Love: A Healing Guide for Daughters, she describes that “severe narcissists stay true to form, responding to any confrontation with drama followed by deflection and a focus on your shortcomings.
When that doesn’t produce the desired results, they turn to what may be their most frustrating and infuriating tool: denial.”
Gas lighting then takes place to distort the child’s reality.
Psychologically abusive parents also play siblings against each other or gang up on one child. They persuade the victim it’s their fault for not being more lovable.
Types of Emotionally Manipulative Techniques

Anyone dissatisfied with your behavior and emotions poorly conforms to the moral code of humanity.
In this case, judgment can mold the way we view and feel about our existence. Further, we start to believe that we don’t deserve love and respect.
Truly, healthy, sovereign beings desire change in themselves to contribute to their well-being. It should never be to satisfy someone else’s opinions about you.
Additionally, judgments make us feel uncomfortable in our own skin.
Manipulative techniques look like this:
- Positive Reinforcement – gifts, attention, forced laugh or smile, and public recognition.
- Playing the Victim – portrays themself as a victim of circumstance or someone else’s behavior to gain sympathy.
- Denial – refusing to admit they did any wrong.
- Uncooperative – refusing to discuss an issue and blame it on your emotional state
- Punishment – the silent treatment, emotional blackmail, guilt trips, crying, threats.
- Minimization – the abuser asserts their behavior isn’t as harmful as you say it is.
- Projecting the Blame – saying it’s the victim’s fault for their behavior.
- Traumatic Conditioning – verbal abuse, explosive anger, intimidating behavior to establish dominance.
- Diversion – not giving a straight answer to steer the conversation to another topic.
- Lying by Omission – a subtle form of lying by withholding all of the truth.
Giving Your Power Away through Fear is a Type of Emotional Manipulation

Realizing you have more power than you think is different for everyone. Consider the surrounding fears for why you stay silent:
- other people’s opinions
- upsetting someone
- verbal altercation
- being picked on
- physical altercation
- embarrassment
Without a doubt, all of the above is scary. Nonetheless, you sacrifice integrity to pacify someone else.
Commonly, abusers emotionally shame the victim to gain control. In turn, the victim is too embarrassed to speak up. This is illustrated by the following phrases:
“You’re too emotional.” “Nobody can talk to you because you overreact.” “I won’t speak to you until you calm down.” “You’re so dramatic.”
Your feelings are valid and shouldn’t be minimized. Nevertheless, abusers manipulate their way out of confrontation by avoidance. In the same way, they blame your emotional state for why they refuse to talk. When someone denies the healing you need, recognize their selfish behavior.
The Bystander Effect
The Bystander Effect is a social psychological theory that says people are less likely to offer help when certain people are present. Of course, the reasons are based on increasingly varied factors such as the number of bystanders and ambiguity that reinforces mutual denial.
Studies say group cohesiveness link bonds between members of a social group. This persuades them to participate in the same manner as the group.
What’s more, the victim feels hurt by the bully and the silent witnesses. Chronically feeling unimportant damages personal worth.

Truth & Integrity
Without a doubt, we have to learn to stand in strength and courage so we may open the pathway for others. Ultimately, our vibration has an impact on those around us.
Overall, we live in a world where truth is consistently denied. People fear what will be revealed. You don’t have to live with unhealed toxic shame.
Never deny or quiet down what hurts you to make others comfortable!
Let today be the day that you stop letting people feel comfortable disrespecting you.
Most importantly, if you need help leaving a violent situation go to the National Domestic Violence Hotline. Or, if it’s safer, text “loveis” to 22522.
Cut Energetic Cords With All Types of Emotional Manipulation
Thought fragments, hurts, shame, guilt, and other people’s opinions hang out in the aura. In reality, this sticky, gunky substance throws off our balance. Metaphysically, we build links with others to allow the transference of energy. Eventually, our aura becomes an etheric trash bin without regular clearing.
Getting out of an unhealthy situation can be hard, but you can start taking back your power by energetically cutting cords.
If you feel like moving on is impossible and you can’t stop replaying conversations with them, it’s time to cut cords. Eventually, you have to stop being the only one trying to change a relationship. Also, if you make decisions based on their opinions, you’re giving them your power.
Altogether, issues, trauma, and circumstances create energetic attachments. Similarly, other people’s anxieties, lessons, and fears can entangle us.

Indeed, it’s difficult to move from certain areas. Attachments will absolutely drag us back. Instead, dramatically alter your reality and sever those cords. This powerful process is very healing and allows deep cleansing.
Get your free lesson on how to sever energetic etheric cords. When you heal, you’ll come into balance and harmony in your emotional and mental bodies.
Spiritual Awakening has no direct relationship with Noble Characteristics
Although this is true, anything not in harmony with the new higher frequencies must be lifted. When people can’t face their own creations, their world will crash down. Then, they blame everyone but themselves for their behavioral patterns.
When your frequencies become incompatible with low vibrations, one of two things happen. Your frequency transforms the fear and a solution appears, or your frequency repels the fear. If you repel, that person, place, or situation leaves your life.
Allow yourself to let go once and for all of the restrictions beliefs, and limitations. Sometimes we stay in unhealthy relationships because we feel trapped. For example, maybe the other person financially supports you. Even this situation is never worth it. An abusive person takes more from you energetically than they could offer monetary.
Are you ready to move out of the quagmire of pain, lack, and suffering?

Recently enchanted refers to kindred souls who discovered there’s something magical happening. Walk the mystical path of spiritual awakening and witchcraft through energy work, divination, and the old ways of magic.
Whether you’re just beginning to awaken or have walked this path for lifetimes, I invite you to explore, learn, and weave your magic.
May you find inspiration, empowerment, and a little bit of enchantment in these words.