Lightworkers can shine through their bright aura. Divine workers inspire and uplift the human spirit in so many different ways. A Light worker’s main mission is to serve humanity by spreading t...Read More
It’s easy to fall victim to naughty magick. Likewise, we create negativity for ourselves. In reality, there are countless scenarios for why lower vibrations, dark magick, or spirits attack. Have...Read More
Most of the time spiritual communication, or a telepathic connection will happen all of a sudden. It will fill your mind and fill your heart very randomly. To explain, it’s a special soul connec...Read More
Let’s face it, we all know one annoying know-it-all. Amongst my social circle, I guarantee that the exact tag belongs to me. Admittedly, I am often right. To clarify, I don’t claim that in...Read More
A lot of us have a natural connection to our intuition. “Follow your intuition” is spouted off more than “love and light” in the spiritual community. But, what exactly IS intui...Read More
I use the word enchant a lot. I like it. Generally, as a metaphor, it’s known as having great delight or pleasure with someone or something. It resonates with the way I feel about the universe. ...Read More