Whenever we call on the element of earth, we are calling on the magick of nature. How magical is putting a seed into the earth and having it grow into life? Therefore, if you’re enhancing your ...Read More
Lightworkers and Starseeds have a purpose to shine their light and assist others. During this time of mass awakening, it’s common for them to help others with inner evolution. *This post contain...Read More
Did you know that candle gazing is a way to practice meditation? This ancient practice is called Trataka and it takes an alternate route to closing the eyes to turn inward. Truly, keeping the eyes ope...Read More
Earthing is sometimes called grounding but the two aren’t mutually exclusive. Grounding and earthing are similar. Earthing is grounding, but some grounding exercises can be done inside. *This ...Read More
Essentially, Moon Milk is warm milk mixed with a relaxing blend of herbs and spices. But, there is more to it than a comforting drink that will help you unwind. This Ayurveda tradition means ‘kn...Read More
Lady Gaia and all residing life forms are in evolution. Because of this, self-care is on the rise. Of course, living healthy is a great value to have anyway. But, more of us understand that what we pu...Read More
The universe constantly sends us signs and synchronicities. Common signs are through numbers, feathers, and animals. Being open to receive these messages will help you notice them more. Synchronicity ...Read More