“An altar is a place of sacrifice and a powerpoint to draw spiritual and supernatural strength.” – Genesis 8:20-21. But, from a witch’s point of view, an altar has many p...Read More
A thought-form is an accumulation of energy through ideas and emotions. They can be felt like heavy energy in a room after a fight or how two people can have the same idea at the same time. Thought-fo...Read More
Surely, more and more of humanity is noticing beings of other Kingdoms. At the same time, more and more of humanity keep those events to themselves. Why? Because they’re afraid of what the other...Read More
It’s so important for people to connect to who they are. However, most are afraid to publicly step into their spiritual awakening. Fear of ridicule from the mainstream media holds a lot of us ba...Read More
It’s said that we’ll be guaranteed fulfillment if we follow certain life lessons. Of course, this is contingent on how open one is to different ideas. Here are 5 essential life lessons tau...Read More
People often think of magick as witchcraft or wizards. But, magick is done in many forms by many different people. Magick is all around us whether one’s aware or not. Since I began my awakening ...Read More
We can’t turn our back on the world and life’s experiences, we must face them head-on. However, learning to view life from a higher vantage point without getting entangled in the small sto...Read More