Our seven main chakras are energy centers. They correlate with physical and emotional strength. It’s never been more important than now to have cosmic clean chakras. The pathway to the higher fr...Read More
An important part of our Earth mission is to intensify the light of the lower dimensions and focus on peace. Now is the time for all you light-bearers to bring forth your light. This requires bold mov...Read More
We confuse joy and happiness, so we think we failed if we aren’t happy all the time. Spiritual joy is the state of the heart and soul. It’s produced when the heart and soul unite for the g...Read More
Working with the Law of Attraction is becoming more creative. Affirmations, vision boards, and scripting are popular tried and true methods. Additionally, an abundance check from the universe seems to...Read More
When we start our awakening the world as we know it changes drastically. We are confused, we think we’re losing our mind, and nobody can relate on any level. This is especially true when we don&...Read More
In the here and now, there is a collective evolution happening on planet Earth. During the sudden onset of psychosis symptoms would be a great time to explore spiritual jargon. We don’t have to ...Read More
Most of us will experience at least one frustrating day in our lifetime. Sometimes we get muddled and talk to ourselves, and sometimes blow up in a fury. Having a foggy brain happens when energy build...Read More